
The Budget Body Scrub : A Bonne Spa Milk Salt Shower Formula Review

March 31, 2019

Product : A Bonne Spa Milk Salt Shower Formula
Price : PHP 155
Availability : Watsons

I've always used synthetic loofahs from Watsons for exfoliating and I thought it is quite expensive for around 60-100 pesos and the fact that sometimes you share it with other people in your household, makes it not hygienic. Its always damp and can be a breeding ground for bacteria. I've also used the traditional loofah gourd as scrub since we have a  plant in our backyard which is free and is not synthetic. I don't know if its really antibacterial but I know I want to have a scrub that's cheap, hygienic and will leave my skin smooth and baby soft.

The A Bonne Spa Milk Salt  which is the one that looks exactly as salt and is cheap (less than 100 pesos for 300 grams) has been one of my favorite body scrubs in the past because its affordable and works well to make your skin smooth and glowing.  Although what I'll be reviewing is the one which is the Shower Formula , Abonne is still in price point for being budget friendly because it is only under 200 pesos.

The product description :
Spa Milk Salt is a skin whitening and slimming product with milk formula and natural spa salt benefits. It provides nourishment in your skin with pure milk , alpha arbutin and allantoin. It removes dirt deposits and dead skin cells from your body, giving you a new and radiant skin.

I don't believe it is a slimming product because it is a scrub and how can a scrub makes you slim and fit? (Please enlighten me if you know the answer in the comment section🤔) But what I agree about its claims is that does it makes your skin smooth like a baby. I take a coin sized amount and rub it gently on my skin and after washing it off, hello smooth and brighter skin! It is a moderate scrub and not as gentle than other body scrub. I advise to always gently rub the product onto your skin because too much aggressive scrubbing can damage and irritate the skin. Its smells pleasant like milk and yogurt and really gives that spa experience for a cheap price! I like to use it once or twice a week and my trusty loofah gourd scrub serves as my exfoliator on some days. Based on my personal experience , this is much more easy to control and use than the Spa Milk Salt because it can easily be wasted. Imagine rubbing a  fine salt onto your skin that freely flows upon dispensing the product.  Its like rice coming out from a sack with big hole to it. The A Bonne Spa Milk Salt Shower Formula comes in a tube packaging and you can control the amount of the product. It also smells way better than the Spa Milk Salt. And to top it all off, you can cut the upper portion to scoop out all the remaining product!

  • Cheap and budget friendly, under 200 pesos
  • Hygienic and comes in a tube packaging
  • Works well to give you smooth and baby soft skin
  • Smells heavenly, definitely spa like! 

  • Quite abrasive but any product can become one if you scrub hard on your skin.
  • I can't claim it whitened my skin but in my opinion, it brightens up your skin after use.

Will I recommend it? Yes! It's budget friendly and works well. Just don't expect the product to whiten your skin or make you slim and sexy. The latter claim is far fetched by the way. But for a product that does what its supposed to (for a body scrub), A Bonne Spa Milk Salt Shower Formula is highly recommended.

Till next time,
Miss BBF
Your Budget Beauty Finder

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  1. Replies
    1. no, you shouldn't use it on your face because its a body scrub, it's abrasive and might damage your facial skin.

  2. I think if you maintain the use of the salt scrub in the body, it will continuously exfoliate the skin and results for a fair/white glowing skin. It depends upon the skin type of the user.


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